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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

end of semester....

Our lesson plan pretty much rocks. My partner did an amazing job and he made sure that we kept on track. No real problems what so ever.

Now that the end of the semester is coming up then we are now supposed to express our feelings and our reactions. To be honest, I quite enjoyed myself and learned much more than I thought. I thought that this would just be a blow off class but I ended up finding out things that will be able to help me in the future of my teaching carrer. I agree that the lessons offered in this class will be able to aid teachers and learning about technology is compeletely nessicary for the classroom. Especially knowing how far along today's technology has come and how much of an impact it has on our younger generations.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week 7

When a teacher decides to bring technology into the classroom they should teach their student that technology so that they may be able to follow along or even go ahead of the game on their own. The better the students understand what you are doing the eaiser it is for them to understand the material.

Depending on what is going on in the classroom is when the instant messaging and chats are either classified as a nucents or help. If the students are now on their independent study and have time to them selves to go over their work then maybe the instant messageing is helping them to understand. If the teacher is going over material and students are not paying attention then the im can be a great distraction.

I do not believe that text based communication is really any competition with face-to-face, as to any real realation. If you are just typeing or texting words to someone then the words sent may be obscured in ways they were not meant to. A simple request may be construed into a rude comment or demand through text. For if you are in a face-to-face conversation then the individual you are communicating with is now in tuned to your context clues, you volume, accent, and tone. It is much less likely for them to misunderstand meanings of certain comments. Maybe in a work environment when an employee must speak to the boss but would like to keep it professional and not inturrpt thier day to day schedule. An email would most likely be the best way to go.

Depending on the class podcasts could be of great influence in the classroom, when a student is at home doing homework and needs help on a subject they can simply jump online and see what they dont understand so they can finish.

Depends on the videogame. it keeps learning new information that may otherwise be boring intresting and keeps you involoved. you may be able to learn faster and contain more in the fact that you are enjoying learning. yes. yes i would let my children play everyday but only for a designated amount of time so that they may also stay healthy in other asspects of their everyday lives.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Difference in Personality Traits

With each person comes different personalities and with diverse personalities comes unusual ways of learning. I do believe that no matter who you are there is always a differentiation in the way people learn for no one is exactly the same. Some need the extra attention, some need to be left alone, some only need to be shown once. Depending on whether their personality is ITSJ, ESFP, or INTP there will be special ways in which these personalities must be taught.

According to my test results I have a lot to work on in the aspect of future planning, but I do feel that the "hands on learning" that I desire will most likely come in handy when teaching my student. For this particular trait will probably keep things interesting for everyone.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

exel worksheets

I've learned alot with the Excel worksheets, very useful. I'm sure that the insight given will be very useful for my future teaching. This will make teaching my student new things easier for them and for me. Can't wait to put it into use!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Inspiration Program

The Inspiration program seems to have so many useful tools that make is much easier to manipulate your way around ideas, outlines, and graphs. This program is especially interesting in the way that what ever you do to one aspect of your web/outline it is also carried through out your project so you won't have to change every part every time you come up with something new.

In the classroom I would believe that the best use of technology would be this outline/web/graphing layout. Easy manipulate, view, and understand. If your teaching time is limited, you could simply have your lesson plan written out in an outline, so that the students already have the issues in front of them and are able to meet with each other to diagnose what problems they have with understanding things and figure it out together. Although, I'm not too sure that using technology would be playing a big role in this. You may also have a slide show or something of the sort to show the students, with the beginnings of an idea and ask the student to correlate with each other to figure what else could be related or connect with the given idea. The best way to go about teaching others is of course to know your stuff. This would incline that you would do some extra research on the subject just so that you could be prepared for any questions thrown your way. The extra research may actually surprise you with more knowledge then you knew to begin with, hence you have the chance to learn more about your subject and are more clear with all the processes or issues.

Monday, February 1, 2010

About Me:

My name is Kate Donovan and I am currently a Junior at the University A&M Commerce. I run cross country and track here on scholarship. My major is speech communication and I plan on using that to become a teacher as well as a coach. I love to listen to music and hang out with my friends. Got any questions or just wanna chat hit me up folks. =D